We specialize in tax savings for Clergy! Tax laws for Clergy are:
We have prepared thousands of Clergy Tax returns for ministers in more than 7 denominations over many states. We are the primary tax consultants for a major Christian denomination in Arizona.
Want to know how to give yourself a raise in spendable income without costing your Church a cent? Housing Allowance Ordained, consecrated, appointed and called clergy MAY qualify for special clergy provisions which save taxes under the Internal Revenue Code. Clergy will want to maximize the allowed housing deduction while complying with the law concerning the reporting of portions of living expenses which are taxable for Social Security & Medicare. Clergy will receive worksheets to assist you in calculating housing allowances and parsonage values. You can use our sample housing resolutions to insure the exclusion of your housing is honored by IRS.
Want to simplify correct government reporting for yourself and the Church? Self Employment Tax Clergy are usually considered to be employees of their Church for Income tax purposes and should receive a W-2 form at year end. (This status was determined by the Tax Court). Clergy are NEVER subject to FICA tax however. Instead Clergy are Self- Employed for Social Security and Medicare taxes, and must pay BOTH halves of these 2 taxes. (Statues determined by IRS Code) We will help you minimize both obligations to save total tax dollars from the time your pay package is negotiated through the completion of your tax return.
Ministry Expenses Expenses of the ministry belong to the Church. You can receive the format for an accountable plan to insure that you, the clergy, are NOT taxed on reimbursements or the expenses of your ministry. Ellen and Stefanie are frequent lecturers to Clergy and Church Treasurers on the subject of Clergy taxation. We review books for Churches who do not need a full audit, but who wish to insure accuracy and accountability. |
Last modified: 01/02/09 |